
Spring Sewing

I haven't been much at posting lately. Too many projects, too many favorites, too many pictures, and too little time to post any of it. So here are 3 of my favorite clothing projects that I've made for my daughter so far this Spring/Summer. Many more are in the making along with stacks of fabric just waiting to be made into something fun!

This one below, I made around Easter time. It was perfect for Easter egg hunts, though if any of you know my daughter well enough, know that she would have prefered the pants be a skirt instead.

I've made several skirts in the past few months and she is sure to wear them out. My girl can twirl in a skirt for hours on end. Here is one I made just yesterday. I'm loving the bow I attached at the waistline, and so does my daughter. 

I always have a few unembellished shirts sitting in my craft closet just waiting for their chance to get stenciled, appliqued, or embellished in some manner. This one I made during naptime, and when my daughter woke up from her nap she ran in and put it on before I even told her about it. She has become accustomed to new creations waiting for her in the craft room when she wakes up from naps, and I love the challenge of creating something on a whim during that block of quiet time.

Now I'm off to imagine up my next project. I've recently been feeling the overwhelming desire to have a project going at all times because I know in a short couple of months my arms will be too full to craft everyday.


  1. So Cute Kinzie! They look like they were bought at a store. I love your talent...and I'm sure Kiera does too!

  2. Oh, that shirt is so cute! (the bunting) Love it!
