
The Bag Making Continues...

One of the things my sister wanted to do while out in Utah was to go to the Cotton Shop. We went and she loved pretty much all of the fabric! She wanted to make a bag, so we bought enough material to make two. This is the first bag and it is so cute- I want one just like it! It is a pattern that we created as we went using a variation of the pleated tote I made for her. We used some heavy cotton webbing for the straps, which made assembly much quicker, and the look is perfect. Don't you just love this big button!?!


  1. You are one of the most talented crafters I have ever seen! Some day we will see you on TLC or HGTV hosting your own show. I love the totes and the layettes. They are all so darling!

  2. Everybody that sees it loves it and tells me over and overand cannot believe it is homemade. I have to tell you, Kinz, you have quite the creative gift!!
