
Earth Day Challenge-Free Giveaway!

April 22nd is Earth Day. In an effort to promote Earth Day, I am issuing my Earth Day Challenge, the winner will receive a prize! Here's what you have to do: Do anything that you would consider in line with Earth Day. This may include something along the lines of the three R's- Reuse, Reduce, Recycle. Create something new from something old, implement some cool recycling idea, repurpose something old whether from your house, or from a thrift store... For those of you who don't consider yourself crafty, show me how green you can be- your greenest outfit, greenest meal or dish, submit a cool picture of something green, and the list goes on. It can be something you created or did in the past as well as new creations. Basically anything goes in this challenge- if you think it qualifies, I probably will too. Be creative! Go wild!
Once you have completed the challenge, either post a picture of it on your blog, or email me a picture of it (if it is something that can't be photographed then just tell me about it.) My email is on the side bar at the top. Then write a comment on this post telling me you've completed the challenge and where I should check. Make sure that I have someway of contacting you.

Now, the winner of this challenge will receive a reward, handmade by ME. It will include:
This lovely set of four washcloths, which are terry cloth on one side and backed with leftover scraps of four different green materials.

...and this funky little apron made from materials I had laying around or left over from old projects!

I will send them to the winner free of charge (must live in the U.S. or Canada)! I will accept submissions up through midnight on Earth Day (MST). I will choose a winner on the morning of the 23rd and their submission and picture will be posted for all to see. Pass the word along to as many people as you know- the more submissions, the more fun! If I don't feel that I have enough submissions by Tuesday night, I may extend the challenge deadline. Now start thinking GREEN!
Visit the sites on my sidebar for some cool green sites & things!


  1. Wowee! What an awesome challenge! I'll have to put my thinking cap on for this one... but I'll try to figure out something to enter. :) Sounds like fun!

  2. Love the prizes! I want that apron!!! I'm going to do my best to win them. Game's on, everyone!

  3. Kinzie - Go to Bake 'n Make for an Earth Day Challenge post.

  4. Here is my plan, I have a thing for green so wearing a green shirt for a good cause sounds pretty good to me! And to be really good I will walk all seven blocks to the gym that day!

  5. mia, that works for me! i remember seeing your post about your green colored shirtrs section- put those shirts to use!

  6. I did a go green giveaway a while back right here. I listed all the things I commit to doing to help our Mother Earth. Do these things qualify me for your giveaway?

  7. I completed my entry! Go to http://valleymomma.blogspot.com/2008/04/earth-day-challenge-entry.html for my entry post on my blog!


  8. Kinzie - My entry for the Earth Day Challenge is on the Bake 'n Make blog.

    Go to: bakenmake.blogspot.com


  9. I love the apron... if I don't win, I am gonna try to make one just like it. I sent you my entry to your email.

  10. Gosh I wanted to do this so bad, but I have been swamped for the past two weeks with graduation and moving tomorrow. Dang! Hope you got some good ones!
