
Quiet Book

My friend, who has the cutest 1 year old boy, asked me to make her a quiet book. I was so excited about this project because I could go to town and try out some fun pages for the book. She knew she wanted some buttons in the book, but the rest was up to me. Here is what I turned out. I want one for myself now!


  1. That is so cute!!! I love it. You are so creative Kinzie. Every time you make something I am in awe!

  2. Wow! What a ton of work... Maybe I should start working on quiet books, instead of totes. Something like this would keep me busy for a weeks! I'm sure this book will keep your little friend occupied for hours! What a lucky kiddo he is!

  3. Lincoln is LOVING the book! It really does keep him quiet and still - which is AMAZING for him! Thanks again!!

  4. Adorable, thanks for the inspiration, I think I've got some great ideas now so I can make one for my daughter!
