
Craft Area Sneak Peak

(I know, not much of a sneak peak, aren't I mean?)
This past Saturday, the hubs and I went shopping for my new furniture. In under two hours (because we didn't have K with us, thanks to my mother), we had found what we needed/wanted and were on our way to pick up K. As soon as we got home, she went down for her nap and we went to town putting together the furniture and setting up my space. For the past few days I have been having so much fun organizing, sewing fabric storage baskets, and decorating. I got to pull out all of my little sewing and crafting goodies and see their loveliness again. There are still a few last minute touches to make my space more complete (I'm sure it will always be morphing). Then I will take pictures and let you all see where I will be crafting away.


  1. I cant wait to see what you guys came up with! Reading your post is making me excited to do some organization in my craft room as well!

  2. Love this idea and I love your buttons! I used this same idea, but I have colors of thread and bobbins in them. I can't wait to see the finished product!
