
First Time Upholstery

**This post is old, but I couldn't pass up the chance to take part in Thrifty Decor Chick's Goodwill Party. Head on over to her blog for more thrifted projects and inspiration!
After doing the aqua color inspiration post below, I realized that I never posted my upholstery project on this blog. I posted it on my family blog, so I apologize to those who've already seen this- looking at these old pictures makes me realize how much my place has changed since then! Anyways, here's how the story goes, take into account that this was my very first upholstery project:

One morning, my mom, sister, and I decided to go yard sale hopping. After a few yards of disappointment, we stumbled upon an incredible find- a pair of cane armed chairs! I had been dreaming of some cane chairs for a while, and when I saw these I knew it was a match made in, well, Yard Sale Heaven. I talked the lady down a whole $5 from her original price and bought the pair for $35! Aren't they lovely?
When we came home, I got out the screw driver and immediately went to work- and I mean WORK! I never knew how many staples it took to hold some fabric in place on a chair! By the end (which was a few days later...) my hands were sore and red. Eventually it looked like this:
See, here's the evidence of my hard work:
After tearing the chairs apart, I went searching DFW for the perfect fabric. We looked near and far, but eventually, I found the fabric that was right for me at my local Hobby Lobby of all places. A couple yards and a few bucks later, I was home and ready to tackle my first upholstery project. Wait, that was right after I start, and finish painting them. So then I had to pick out the right color, prime, and paint coat after coat to cover the dark stain. Thanks to my sister and mom who helped with this stage!
By the end, it was a few months later, but the result of the work payed off with two, unique, original, and to my taste, chairs! They are comfy and cute and cost around $70 total for the pair! (The table next to the chair is also a yard sale redo- used to be blue, then brown, now aqua!)

Don't worry, I don't keep them on our patio, they stay inside where they are protected!
( I bought another chair that yard sale morning that is still sitting in my parents attic waiting for it's chance at a makeover...)


  1. I love them...you did a fantastic job!!!

  2. I love the new color - so soothing ! Looks like it was a ton of work and most people wouldn't tackle it - My hat goes off to you - Fab job !
    Hugs ~ Kammy

  3. You did a fantatic job! Great ideas!

  4. Those colors are GREAT! VERY nice job!!

  5. So great. I have seen those chairs before and wondered how I could update them. They look great. Every time I participate in one of these linky parties I end up so sad that I don't have a Hobby Lobby!

  6. Wow! What a transformation. Love the blue.

  7. They seriously look so expensive. This is awesome!

  8. very cute. love white painted furniture

  9. Gorgeous. You did a fantastic job on those chairs! Great colors!
