
Gone Fishin'

With the amount of rain we're receiving down here in Texas, we'd probably only have to walk a few feet to find a fishing hole! Since the weather is so wet outside, I've been doing some Spring cleaning. One thing that needs to be dejunked is my computer... pictures, pictures galore! I came across pictures of this project I made for K's first birthday (that was 8 months ago!) I guess I forgot to post it on here. Here she is in all her scaley grandure:
I made her out of materials I already had sitting around, except for the wheels. I sketched a fish shape on some scrap wood, had free reign of my dad's plethora of wood-working tools, and made this fun toy for a then beginning walker.
I think she turned out pretty cute. K loves to try and see how fast she can go around corners without Ms. Fishy tipping over...