
Drum Roll Please...

Now for the moment you've all been waiting for... (No this isn't an April Fools Joke...) Be happy, because this was the first thing I did this morning. My daughter is begging me to do puzzles with her, so I'm covered in pieces but I'm getting you your results! Thank you to all who entered and spread the word to others. First, let me tell you how I figured the winner. I took ever person who entered and put them in a number list. If they did all three options, they got 3 numbers. Here is who entered:

Then I used Random.org and generated the winning number out of 54 submissions. And the winning number is:
#28 on the list belong to Skyler & Jill who said:

My sweet sister-in-law is the grand winner! Jill, email me with your address so that I know where to send the wristlet! Congratulations!!

Thanks again to all my readers- you make blogging fun! There will be future giveaways coming, so keep your eyes out!


  1. Sweet Action!!! We never win anything, we are so excited. Thank you, Thank you, Thank you!!!!! I will e-mail our address asap!!

  2. Such a fun giveaway and you had a great turnout. Can't wait to enter the next one!

  3. Love how you posted the results. Congratulations, Jill!
