
Spring Projects: Take 2

Yes, I have a huge long list of projects. Some are necessities, like finishing K's quilt, possibly making baby # two's crib bedding, and others... but sometimes distractions come up. Thus, these were created:
Yesterday's distraction: tie-dye. I made the outer two for my kiddos, the middle one is part of an outfit set I'm making for a baby shower.
Today's distraction: skirt #2. Having a cast makes it hard to wear much more than shorts and skirts. So I'm expanding her skirt wardrobe, which will be very useful during the upcoming hot Texas summer!

Don't worry, I'm still progressing on my to do list. A few distractions thrown into the mix helps break up the long projects.


  1. So do you make these skirts from a pattern, or just on your own?

  2. I just make them on my own. I measure K's waist and then figure out how long I want it, and then I just wing it and hope for the best...

  3. Would you ever put tutorials on here? For those of us beginner sewers who have no idea how to "wing it"!! ;-) Or follow a pattern for that matter, if you want to get technical.

  4. Yes, I would love tutorials for us "beginner" sewers :) I would love to make some skirts for Isabelle. I would have no clue how much fabric to buy and all that jazz. And FYI, I think it would be smart to wait on the big girl bed until K has the cast off...Isabelle fell out of her toddler bed today for the first time. Once I put her back in bed she went right to sleep, but still, not fun! LOL.
