

Thanks to Kennesha of Me & My House, I've been given this award:

Thanks for thinking of me. I'm glad that my blog has been inspirational to others as so many blogs have been to me! Be sure to visit Me & My House. She is an amazing flea market, thrift store, and rummage sale lady- I love her style and all her great projects!

Now it's my turn to nominate 7 more Kreative bloggers. For those bloggers listed below, here are the rules to fulfill the award process...
1) List 7 things you love.
2) Link to the person/blog that sent you the award.
3) Choose 7 more bloggers to pass the award to and link to their blogs.
4) Comment on those 7 blogs to let the recipients know you've chosen them.

7 Things I LOVE:
  1. My hubster- my best friend, sweetheart, and father of my 1.5 kiddos!
  2. My daughter- sweetest girl, curious, gives the best hugs and cuddles.
  3. Baby boy on the way- love this little guy even though he's only a foot long and 1.5 pounds- love feeling him move and get the hiccups.
  4. Family- we live close to both sides and it's great to share memories and fun times with them, they are so supportive and loving.
  5. Warmer weather- I love being outside and the warmer weather allows for lots of sunshine, swimming, and playing in the grass!
  6. Creating- I love creating something new and original, whether it's sewing, painting, revamping, or more, I love to create!
  7. Friends- I love the support of friends and to find new friends who inspire me in so many ways!

7 Nominee's for Kreative Award:

  1. Marie D's
  2. Kinder Kouture
  3. 3.L.P Couture
  4. MADE
  5. SouleMama
  6. Be Different, Act Normal
  7. Grace Violet


  1. Wow! I'm so honored! hmm, my crafting blog-world is kinda small, but I'll see what I can do!

  2. Thank you!!! I am off to check out the other blogs that you listed!

  3. Thank you so much for thinking of me - I'm flattered!

  4. I just wanted to say thank you for the lovely award. I feel honored and you really made my weekend special.
