
Giant Ruler Growth Chart

As a parent, it is so fun to see how your child is growing... though I often wish they would stop growing and stay little forever. Alas, they continue growing. So why not keep track and remember how little or big they are as they grow from a little infant to an independent child. There are so many growth charts out there. Many are really cute and unique, and you can find them to match practically any decor scheme. I however, wanted something simple, that wouldn't scream "child's growth chart!" So I set out to make one.

I went to a two stores, Home Depot & Michaels, and grabbed my supplies... thankfully those two stores are right next to each other.

Here's what you need:
3/4" x 10" x 6' wood board
1 pkg. black carpet tacks. They are about 3/4" tall and look like this:

Number stickers (mine are about 2" tall)
Scrapbooking tags (mine are circle tags with prepunched holes and sticky backs)
Permanent marker


1. Paint your board and let it dry.
2. Distress your board (optional) I sanded the edges and then applied a brown watered-down paint to the exposed wood.
3.  I wanted my chart to measure up to 6'6", so I started my markings at 6". Lay a measuring tape or ruler on your board and use a permanent marker to mark every inch. Make the foot markings larger.
4. Apply your number stickers next to your foot markings
5. Securely attach to your wall at the correct height from the floor. (ie. I started my board at 6", so I attached it to the wall 6" above the floor.) Make sure it is level and straight.
6. As your child grows write their name, age, and height on a tag, and attach to board using a carpet tack. 
The best part is that you can take it with you if you move, without having to tear out a door frame!

Linking to:
Black Kats  Design


Get your craft on Thurs.

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