I am the Personal Progress Leader for the Young Women in our ward. If none of those terms make sense, find out more about the youth program HERE. I weekly try to remind and motivate the girls to pass off value experience and to be making effort and progress on their Personal Progress. Whenever there is a fifth weekly activity night for the month, I hold special Personal Progress activities. This month I did a Taste the Rainbow themed Personal Progress Blitz. The goal was the get the girls to pass off as many experiences as they could during the activity.
The Sunday before the activity, I gave the girls invites to remind them of what we were doing and what they needed to bring. If you note at the bottom of the invite, we had a little competition motivator- the girls were to dress colorfully, and the girl that was the most RAINBOWRIFIC would win a prize.

The prize was a little pack of rainbow colored nail polish. The second pack would go to the girl who passed off the most experiences during the evening.
At the activity we had 8 tables, one for each value. On each table was a card that listed the experiences they could complete or begin that evening. (Click on images to download the free printable.)
You will want to go through and make sure you have everything for the girls to be able to pass off the experiences. They will need their Personal Progress booklets and journals, a For the Strength of Youth pamphlet, and scriptures, as most experiences require use of those. Some of the experiences require additional resources. I've included the printables that I made to help:
Integrity experience #4 requires the girls to look up Integrity in the dictionary, so I went ahead and printed this out so I wouldn't have to carry a heavy dictionary. (Click on image to download. Two sheets are included so cut in half.)
Individual Worth experience #2 requires the girls to read in General Conference talks about Patriarchal Blessings, so I found these excerpts. (Click on image to download.)
Faith experience #6 requires the girls to draw out and label a Plan of Salvation chart. I created this little chart for them to fill out complete with scripture references for help. (Click image to download.) I printed two of these per page to save on paper.
For some of the experiences you may want to bring Conference issue Ensign magazines, True to the Faith pamphlet, etc. so make sure to look through the experiences to be sure you have everything. For Knowledge experience #6 the girls need to conduct a hymn during a meeting, so I had a calendar available for them to sign up for when and what song they were going to lead in Young Women's opening exercises.
On each of the 8 value tables I had a jar of candy. When the girls completed an experience, they could take a candy- thus they were Tasting the Rainbow. Here are the little jar labels I created. I just printed them out and laminated them, then hole punched and tied them on the jars with jute string. (Click image to download.)
These jars serve dual purposes. Each month we focus on a value. On Sunday we have that value jar out and if a girl has passed off a value experience or completed a value project they get to take a candy from the jar. Additionally, if they wear that value's color, they can take a candy as well. So now I'm prepared with candy for the next several months!
At the end of the activity the girls counted off how many experiences they completed. Most finished four, one girl finished five, and two girls finished SIX experiences. They had fun working together through the experiences, and were very excited to have passed off so many in one night.
I gave the girls a little treat reminder at the end. It just reminds them to taste the rainbow of values every day of their lives as they work on Personal Progress continually, and if they do they can reach the pot of gold at the end. (Click on image to download.)
I attached the tags to pretzel bags I filled with Rolo's and Skittles- the pot of gold under the rainbow. They thought this was really cute.
It was a very successful evening. Not only was it fun, but it was very effective in helping the girls make a lot of progress. I hope that some of this can help you and your young women. If you have any questions or comments, please leave a comment or email me!
Wow! This is fantastic. Thank you so much for sharing it. I am going to try and do this this week! :)
Thank you so much for all your hard work! I am so excited to share this with my YW. You are very talented! Im excited to start following your blog:)
Thanks again!
Thank you so much for this wonderful Personal Progress activity. I love it! I am having a hard time downloading the 8 value jar labels. Could you please help me by sending me a new link or pdf file? Thank you!
This is an adorable activity..the Taste the Rainbow personal progress. I am a brand new PP person in our ward . Can I use this activity for next Wednesday? please? Could you email me the files to print out the cute invites, cards and labels?? I love it !! Thanks so much!!!
If you'd rather not grant permission, I will find another activity because I wouldnt use it without your, the author's permission
Wow! Fantastic idea from start to finish! Thanks so much for sharing your creativity. Can't wait to have this activity!!
I love this idea and am so excited to do it with my YW. Do you have a printable for the invitation?
Really great idea if only the links worked.
LOVE! Going to do it with my girls in 2 weeks! Thanks for sharing all the printables!
just wanted to say thank you! I did this tonight with my young women and it was a huge success! Thank you thank you. :)
Your goodie tag just saved me a lot of work;) Thanks!
I love this!!!! Thank you for sharing your talents. Would you mind sending the files for me to print? I too, am New to the Personal Progress calling. We have a ward where many of the girls are less active. Some come to Wednesday night activities. I gave a feeling this may be the key to getting them excited. Thank you once again!
I can't get the Plan of Salvation to print, is there any way you could email me this. This activity looks fabulous! Thanks!
Thank you! This is our activity on Wednesday and you just saved me a ton of time!
Thank you sooo much for posting this activity!!!!
Thank you so much for sharing all your hard work. We will be using this as our activity tomorrow night and I am excited to see how this will continue to motivate the girls to work on their Personal Progress. Thanks for saving me so much time by sharing!
Thank you, thank you! This was so fun to do!
Thank you very much for taking the time to share all of your hard work! I'm motivated to use your ideas with our activity this week. Thank you again for saving me so much time! :)
Thank you so much for this activity. I am new to PP & will be using it for September's activity. I'm sure the girls will have fun with this & hopefully push them to do more on their own.
Thank you for this great idea, Just being a new PP leader your helping me get a good start in motivating our Young Women to love Personal Progress. Again Thank you so much!
hi there!! Im trying to click on your integrity handout for a lesson of mine, but i'm unable to load it. I there a way you could email it to me?
Thanks so much. This is a BRILLANT idea, i bet your YW LOVED it!!!
this is adorable! thank you so, so much for sharing.
Thank you so much for all your hard work. I love this. I will use it tonight as a matter of fact. I feel so grateful for your willingness to share such a cool activity. Thank you
OMGoodness! This is perfect for my YW! We all have been struggling with how to jump start the personal progress cause a lot of my girl's moms aren't very involved with helping my girls and I have tried several ideas with no success to get them to start doing their PP. Thank you so much for this idea!! With night of excellence coming soon, this will help a lot to at least get them started. Thanks again!!
These are such great ideas! I was just called as Personal Progress Advisor, and was hoping to find some good ideas... Thank you!
Love, love, love! Thanks so much has for sharing this!
I just love this! We're going to do it next week for our Personal Progress night. Any chance I could get a copy of the invitation?
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