
Baby Shower Bonanza

Wednesday night, my friend and I hosted a baby shower for another one of our friends. It was so fun to be around all of the great and fun women that I have come to love over the past year and half living here. It was sad though knowing that it would probably be my last social event before we move. I really will miss all of them so much. Anyways, on to happier notes... the shower went great! Here are a few things there:
Pink sprinkled cupcakes- they were tasty (from a box mix, I'm not that ambitious!) Don't they look so cheery?! I will now reveal what I have been creating using the fabric stash I posted here. This is the little dress I made for the guest of honor.
I love little eyelet trim. This one was a tea-stained color- LOVE it!
This set was for the friend who I hosted with, who is also having a girl in August.
My first little attempt at a bow headband. I think bows are so fun for little girls!
Lastly, this was the fruit salad I brought. I can't take credit for the idea, but I can tell you that I was pink with watermelon juice after cutting up to look like this. It was well worth the wetness!

Summer seems to be the time for having babies around here. So happy baby season to all!!


  1. Love the beautiful little dresses and the cupcakes look beautiful! I also love the carriage for the fruit. All wonderful ideas!

  2. Oh man you are so talented! I love the fruit salad, it looks so yummy!
