
Weekend Workings

Here are some of the things I made this weekend:
A long while back I bought a bunch of charcoal wool felt. So I busted it out and made this fun little baby block. I was mostly just practicing some embroidery and it is a start at building my needle point skills.
Our family friends, and David's golfing buddy just had the cutest little baby boy. Using up some more wool felt, I made these golfing green booties Saturday morning. We were able to go and drop them off and I got to hold the tiny baby! He was smaller than K ever was and it made me miss the little curled up baby stage.
Then, Saturday evening I decided to make this little outfit for K to wear for Father's Day. I had the fabric from a while back, and finally put it to use. It's a pattern I made up as I went, and to my luck and surprise it worked out great!
Our little model!
Happy weekend... only 5 more days until the next weekend!


  1. That little outfit is adorable! I love it. As always, I am so impressed with you!! We should get together before you guys leave. Let me know if you have time!

  2. Oh my gosh, I love seeing all your creations!!! I am sorry I dont comment more, I just get in awe as I scroll down and look at all the pictures!!
