
Quilt Progress #1

As I mentioned in my last post, progress is being made on K's quilt. I bought the fabric forever ago, and finally got to it. I sketched out the final draft after thinking about it in my head and sketchpad for a while now. That required some math and some phone calls to the quilt tips expert that is my momma. Have you ever been so scared to cut your precious fabric that you delay a project or second guess your measuring and math a few times before you just dive in? That was me, but the excitement got the better of me and I cut away! I have almost all of the little squares cut, but I still have 150+ little pieces to cut before sewing can begin. I must admit, that I hate this cutting part and wish I could pay someone to do it so that I could just sew!

(I was enjoying the lovely natural light in the room as I cut, that's why the pic is a bit dark.)

I'll keep you updated on any big transforming progress- I can't wait for it to be done. K get's her big girl bed once this is done. Let's hope I'm speedy because she practically face dives out of her crib!

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