
Toddler Friendly

When creating and organizing my craft room, I wanted it to be toddler friendly so that K could play alongside mommy as I crafted. K too was very keen on this idea, and has taken a particular liking to this space. Today she was playing with the camera, and caught this moment: mommy sitting at her table drafting up the specs to K's big girl quilt. What a great photographer for such a young girl :) K's favorite goodies on the shelves are my chipboard buttons. She grabs the box and loves to play on mommy's bed with them. At night, I find them in the sheets, and scattered all around the bed.
My favorite surprises are those left tucked away on the shelves, forgotten treasures of a toddler.
Maybe this liking of the craft area will rub off on my little one and she too will find a love of creativity!


  1. So did you guys get a house or is this new craft area in your apt?

  2. I WISH we bought a house, no this is in our apt. That's why it's merely an "area" because in our house, it will be a room! Unless we have 10 kids.

  3. So fun to be able to create a craft space for yourself. I have a "scrapbooking" space in our apartment, nothing special, just a folding table and all my scrapbooking supplies, but I use it daily now! I am trying to finish up Isabelle's scrapbook before the baby comes. So, I have two questions. Question 1, what digital scrapbooking program do you use? Do you just use photoshop? Where did you get yours (it is so expensive!). I am still trying to decide what to do with scrapbooking...I LOVE doing it, but it takes FOREVER because I have SO MANY pictures I want to scrapbook...something needs to change, especially as our family grows. Question 2: My mom made a rag quilt for Isabelle that matches her bedding. I think I am going to let Isabelle use the rag quilt as her quilt on her toddler bed (our place is too small for a twin right now), so I want to make the baby her own quilt for the crib to match Isabelle's. I don't know if I want to do another rag quilt because I don't want them to look exactly the same. I was wondering if you have a suggestion for a good quilt pattern I could use for the new baby quilt. I might try to attempt to make it myself, or have my mom help, so I want it to be fairly simple. Do you have a suggestion? Thanks for your input. You are my crafy go-to gal when I think of stuff like this!
