
Sunday Sundries- Organization

Sundries- plural noun; many different or small things.
In the spirit of craftroom organization, I have found some really fun things that I would love to add to my room. Once again, Etsy's artists show creativity and make me want to buy and be organized. I've decided to kick off Spring Cleaning in our house- maybe if I try to pass things off as necessities of spring cleaning/organization I can convince hubster that these are needs not wants...
JotItDown- weekly organizer
PrettyLilThings- pincushion

Paper Pumpkin- thumbtacks

Betz White- pincushion

So, like the picture above, I hope you have a sweet Sunday!

(P.S. My 100th blog post is not far away, meaning I've been thinking about a giveaway. However, for me to feel like it's worth the effort, an increase in comments is neccessary... I want to know what you guys think about the different types of posts and that my efforts are worth the time. Yup, this is a plea for comments! Luv you guys!)


  1. yup! comments are hard to come by:) but i hope you'll like this one. the post is lovely and so is your blog. thanks for including my prickly pear.


  2. I always enjoy your blog I just am not good at commenting! I will try to be better. Seeing all your adorable crafts makes me long for a craft area of my own! Kiera's quilt will be adorable. Can't wait to see more pics of your new area!

  3. Kinzie-

    Don't stop posting!!! We love coming to your guys' blog and seeing what's new with you guys!!!! We cannot wait for your giveaway. We love seeing how crafty you can be. We still wish you would make some of those animal hooded towels. We think those would make the best baby shower gifts. Sorry we don't post as much as we should. We love and miss you.


    Jill & Skyler

  4. I am always up for a giveaway! Of course I enjoy stopping by your blog and seeing what you are up to. I do feel you, though. Sometimes it feels as if there is no one who listens or cares. Like Titanic, I want to say, "Is anyone alive out there, can anyone hear me?!?" Anyways, thank you SO MUCH for all the quilt info. We have actually been busy these past few days and I haven't had time to sit down and look at everything, but I really appreciate the time and effort you put into helping me. I think I am going to start collecting coupons for fabric and get started on this thing!

  5. oh my goodness! those are the cutest pin cushions i have ever seen!!! so cute!

  6. Oh my I love those cupcake pincushion! That is so what I need. Thanks for finding it for me. Now I just have to make it for less then the $36 they want for it!!
