
The Winner Is...

ME! I enter many giveaways, but never seem to win. However, this time is was my lucky day! I was chosen by Carrie over at Hammi Jammi Jewelry as her jewelry giveaway winner. She has some beautiful pieces in her etsy shop. Here is the piece that I've chosen:

Aren't they lovely?! Go and check out her blog and shop! Now, don't give up on entering giveaways as you too can win!!


  1. Congrats on winning! They are really pretty!

  2. YAY! thats awesome! i kinda gave up on enterint give-a-ways. i never win! but this gives me hope! maybe i will again! and esp if you do a give-a-way! such a beautiful pair of earrings!

  3. congrats! i always enter, but never win. seems pointless, but i do it anyways! : )
